Charles Spurgeon – A Man Fed on Bibline Is a Man Indeed

The Old Guys


Certain insects assume the color of the leaves they feed upon; and they are but emblems of a great law of our being: our minds take the hue of the subjects whereon they think. “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” Readers of trash become trashy; lovers of skeptical books become skeptical; and students of the Bible, who are in real earnest, become biblical, and display the qualities of the Bible. If you read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest the word of God, the qualities of that word will be displayed in you. A man fed on Bibline is a man indeed. In the history of heroes, there are none who show so much moral muscle and spiritual sinew as those who make the word of God their necessary food.

~Charles Spurgeon~

The Sword and the Trowel – Vol. 7 eBook. To the Bible Classes at…

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