Is the Bible Really True?

The wonder of creation

“When the Bible describes the origin of life in the Book of Genesis, there are those of us who believe it actually happened just that way — just as the writers of the NewTestament believed,” note the authors of Already Compromised. “Observational science today has strengthened the case for understanding the creation account.”

Reliable in all ways

It is not a stretch to say that the Bible is the most historically reliable book in human history. Sadly though, our survey confirms that many scholars today are dismantling belief in the Bible — and it is creating havoc in our churches and culture.

Fearfully and wonderfully made

Unquestionably, we have been “fearfully and wonderfully made.” God has given us a mind, and our lives can be transformed by the renewing of that mind. Will we be conformed to the world? Or will thetransforming power of God’s living word become our final authority?

You are worth defending

“We want you to know that the reason we have taken up this issue at all is because we believe that you are worth it,” note Ken Ham and Dr. Greg Hall in Already Compromised. “Your hearts and minds are worth defending.”

A long, productive, and prosperous life

Think of it: You are promised victory when you honor God’s Word. You will be protected, for God Himself will become a shield for you. He guards you and guides you and protects you. You will find a long, productive, and prosperous life.

Designed to go for it!

God has designed you to go for it! You have an unprecedented opportunity to allow the Lord to workthrough you to minister somewhere in some specific way. Pursue this with brothers and sisters in the Lord who share your passion.

Prepare yourself

The surveys that were conducted by America’s Research Group for this bookclearly showed that the biblical worldview is under attack. We are in a battle with the world’s system. You must prepare yourself, no matter where you go.

Beyond your wildest imagination

If you are in Christ, God is for you today and willing and more than able to bless you beyond your wildest imagination. He alone is able to heal all your hurts, to forgive all your sin. He alone has written a personal plan for your life. He knows you and calls you by name.

A life of joy and enthusiasm

“One of the greatest blessings of wisdom is that it alone will open the door for you to a life of significance – something that God puts in the hearts of the creatures He loves,” write the authors of Already Compromised. The Bible teaches that “we are destined for a life of purpose… It is a life of joy and enthusiasm.”