Teen Activist Continues Fight Against Creationism in La. Classrooms

Zack Kopplin, a 19-year-old political activist who for the past  five years has combated Louisiana‘s Science Education Act, recently spoke out on  why he believes creationism should not be taught in America’s public  schools.

“Creationism is not science, and shouldn’t be in a public school science  class — it’s that simple,” said Kopplin, who at age 14 wrote a research paper  regarding the 2008 passing of Louisiana’s Science Education Act. “Creationism  confuses students about the nature of science,.”

“If students don’t understand the scientific method, and are taught that  creationism is science, they will not be prepared to do work in genuine fields,  especially not the biological sciences. We are hurting the chances of our  students having jobs in science, and making discoveries that will change the  world,” the 19-year-old added in his interview with io9.com.

Kopplin, who now studies history at Rice University in Houston, Texas, has  been an outspoken opponent of the LSEA since it became law in 2008.

The young activist has also composed a letter signed by 78 Nobel laureate  scientists urging the state to repeal the law, and also has introduced two bills  to repeal the Act, both of which have been defeated by committee votes.

In 2008, Louisiana legislature approved the Louisiana Science Education Act  (LSEA), also known as an “Academic Freedom Law,” which allows teachers to  critique and review certain controversial teachings in science textbooks, such  as teachings regarding “evolution, the origins of life,  global warming, and cloning.”

Teachers then may supplement these controversial topics with additional texts  relating to creationism and Intelligent Design.

Critics of the LSEA, some of whom are currently attempting to have the law  repealed, argue that it provides teachers with the opportunity to teach  creationism in lieu of science in public schools.

According to Joshua Youngkin of the Discovery Institute, a nonprofit think  tank which advocates for Intelligent Design, the purpose of the LSEA is to allow  teachers with different beliefs to freely discuss scientifically-controversial  issues without reprisal.

“The LSEA basically shields teachers who teach critical inquiry into matters  of scientific controversy,” Youngkin wrote in a Jan. 2 article on the Evolutionnews.org.

“Under the LSEA, items like the creative power of natural selection or the  causes of climate change could be put up for discussion in the classroom — as a  learning exercise par excellence — without fear of reprisal,” Youngkin  added.

Additionally, those who support the LSEA argue that it respects the  constitutional right of religious freedom in the classroom because it allows  both teachers and students to discuss their religious beliefs freely.

In Dec. 2012, the Orleans Parish School Board in Louisiana voted to ban any reference to creationism in  textbooks.

Kopplin is not the only activist who opposes the teaching of creationism in  schools.

In Aug. 2012, television personality and scientist Bill Nye urged U.S.  parents to stop teaching their children creationism.

“I say to grown-ups, if you want to deny evolution and live in your world  where everything is completely inconsistent with the universe, that’s fine. But  don’t make your kids do it, because we need them. We need scientifically  literate voters and tax payers for the future,” Nye said in a BigThink.com video.

In light of this opposition, creationists continue to stand by their  conviction, which, in the broadest sense of the term, is the religious belief  based on the Bible that God created the entire universe and all human life.

Ken Ham, CEO and founder of Answers in Genesis and the Creation Museum, has  spoken about what he believes to be the “present evil age” which Christians must  fight through by proclaiming the Gospel message.

In an Oct. 2012 post on the Answers in Genesis blog, Ham announced the theme for his  ministry to focus on in the upcoming year: “Standing Our Ground, Rescuing Our  Kids.”

“Through the apostle Paul in Galatians 1:4, God tells us we live in a  ‘present evil age,'” wrote Ham, whose nonprofit ministry supports young Earth  creationism and a literal interpretation of the Book of Genesis.

“But Jesus Christ ‘gave himself for our sins so that He might rescue us.’  Proclaiming that Gospel message in this evil world is the church’s most urgent  call. Satan, however, is after the minds of this and future generations, and his  key tactic is to deceive our youth [and adults] into believing lies [such as  evolution and millions of years] that discredit the Bible’s authority and  accuracy. It is from the Bible that we get the trustworthy gospel message, and  so God’s Word needs to be upheld,” Ham added.

Although Kopplin’s two repeal attempts have failed, the university student announced that he will introduce a third challenge to  repeal the LSEA in spring of this year.


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