The normalization of Pedophilia By: Timothy Whiteman

The reality of pedophilia.

“NAMBLA [North American Man-Boy Love Association] members must be grinning ear-to-ear…”

Wesley J. Smith of the National Review Online (NRO) has fired back at reporter Jon Henley of Great Britain’s The Guardian in what Smith refers to as Henley’s call for “normalizing pedophilia,” as Smith wrote in the NRO Jan. 5, 2013.

The template for everything liberal, London’s The Guardian newspaper recently published an article entitled “Paedophilia: Bringing Dark Desires Into the Light,” in which Henley wrote such provocative arguments in favor of pedophilia to include:

Paedophiles may be wired differently.

This is radical stuff.

But there is a growing conviction, notably in Canada, that paedophilia should probably be classified as a distinct sexual orientation, like heterosexuality or homosexuality.”

Not quite done yet, Henley cites as further evidence of the normality of having sexual intercourse with a pre-pubescent child:

“Two eminent researchers testified to that effect to a Canadian parliamentary commission last year, and the Harvard Mental Health Letter of July 2010 stated baldly that paedophilia ‘is a sexual orientation’ and therefore ‘unlikely to change’.”

Henley also cites an alleged leading sexuality authority, Sarah Goode, a senior lecturer at the University of Winchester (UK), who stated:

“There are a lot of people who say: we outlawed homosexuality, and we were wrong.

Perhaps we’re wrong about paedophilia.”

Smith’s sharp refutation of The Guardian’s ace reporter included his pointedly opining to Henley stating pedophilia is a “sexual orientation” and that pedophiles are “unlikely to change”:

“This isn’t news.

We already know that those who abuse children sexually are always dangerous.”

Perhaps Smith’s most poignant point was his reference to the eventual widespread acceptance of incest in Western culture:

“If the desire for sexual congress with children is just ‘another orientation’–an odious comparison, in my view–and if some children supposedly ‘like it’ when they voluntarily engage in sex with adults–and indeed, if it doesn’t actually hurt them–how long would the absolute rejection of cross-generation congress last?

Not very.

It wouldn’t be long until we saw the absolute prohibition on pedophilic sex downgraded to a mere ‘taboo,’ which, as the last fifty years teach us, are made to be broken.

NAMBLA [North American Man-Boy Love Association] members must be grinning ear-to-ear”

Smith closes his article with what many have already known to ring true for centuries:

“Having sexual relations with children treats them as mere objects, a good definition of evil.

If this view ever enters the mainstream–and that seems closer–we are on the road to cultural death.”


  1. Pingback: Ponerized society: UK’s Guardian publishes favourable article on pedophilia – ‘Bringing dark desires to light’ « Family Survival Protocol

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