The Deceiver Deceived

Then Jacob went on his journey and arrived at the land of the children of the East. And he looked and saw a well in the field, and there were three flocks of sheep lying down by it; for from that well they watered the flocks; but there was a large stone over the well. When all the flocks were gathered there, they used to roll away the stone and water the sheep and then put the stone back in its place over the well.

Jacob said to the men, “My friends, from where do you come?” They said, “We are from Haran.” Then he said to them, “Do you know Laban the son of Nahor?” And they said, “We know him.” And he said to them, “Is all well with him?” And they said, “All is well; indeed, this is Rachel his daughter coming with the sheep.” And he said, “See, the sun is still high! It is not time for the cattle to be gathered together. Water the sheep and feed them.” But they said, “We cannot until all the flocks are gathered together, and they roll away the stone from the well; then we will water the sheep.”

While he was still speaking with them, Rachel came with her father’s sheep; for she was a shepherdess. When Jacob saw Rachel the daughter of Laban, his mother’s brother, and Laban’s sheep, he went up and rolled the stone from the well and watered the flock of Laban his mother’s brother. Then Jacob kissed Rachel and wept aloud. And when Jacob told Rachel that he was a relative of her father and that he was Rebekah‘s son, she ran and told her father.

As soon as Laban heard about Jacob, his sister’s son, he ran to meet him, put his arms around him, kissed him many times, and brought him to his home. When Jacob told Laban all about these things, Laban said to him, “Surely you are my bone and my flesh.” So he remained with him a whole month.

Then Laban said to Jacob, “Should you serve me for nothing simply because you are related to me? Tell me what shall be your wages?” Now Laban had two daughters: the name of the older was Leah, and the name of the younger was Rachel. Leah’s eyes were weak, but Rachel was beautiful. Jacob loved Rachel, and so he said, “I will serve you seven years for Rachel your younger daughter.” And Laban said, “It is better for me to give her to you than to give her to any other man. Stay with me.” So Jacob served seven years for Rachel, and they seemed to him but a few days, because he loved her so.

Then Jacob said to Laban, “Give me my wife, for my time is up, and let me marry her.” So Laban gathered all the men of the place and made a feast. In the evening he took Leah his daughter and brought her to him, and Jacob received her as his wife.

When in the morning Jacob found it was Leah, he said to Laban, “What is this you have done to me? Did I not serve you for Rachel? Why then have you deceived me?” Laban said, “It is not the custom among us to give the younger in marriage before the older. Remain with this one during the marriage week, then we will give you the other also for the service which you shall give me during seven more years.” Jacob did so: he remained with Leah during the marriage week. Then Laban gave him Rachel his daughter to be his wife, but Jacob loved Rachel more than Leah. So he had to serve Laban seven years more.

How Rebekah Became The Wife Of Isaac

When Abraham was very old and Jehovah had blessed him in every way, Abraham said to the eldest of his household servants, who had charge of all his affairs, “Put your hand under my hip, while I make you promise by Jehovah, the God of heaven and earth, that you will not let my son marry one of the daughters of the Canaanites, among whom I live, but that you will go to my own country and to my relatives and there get a wife for my son Isaac.” The servant said to him, “Perhaps the woman will not be willing to follow me to this land. Must I then take your son back to the land from which you came?” Abraham said to him, “See to it that you do not take my son back there. Jehovah, the God of heaven, who took me from my father’s house and from my native land and who solemnly promised me, ‘To your children I will give this land,’ will send his angel before you and there you will get a wife for my son. But if the woman is not willing to come with you, then you will be free from this promise to me; only never take my son back there.” So the servant put his hand under Abraham’s hip and made the promise.

Then the servant took ten of his master’s camels and set out with precious gifts from his master. So he went to the town of Nahor. And he made the camels kneel down outside the town by the well in the evening, at the time when women go out to draw water. Then he said, “O Jehovah, the God of my master Abraham, give me, I pray thee, success to-day, and show kindness to my master Abraham. Here I am standing by the spring of water, and the daughters of the men of the town are coming out to draw water. May that young woman to whom I shall say, ‘Please let down your water-jar that I may drink’; and who answers, ‘Drink and I will also water your camels,’ may she be the one thou hast chosen for thy servant Isaac. By this I shall know that thou hast shown kindness to my master.”

Then even before he was through speaking, Rebekah, who was the grand-daughter of Nahor, Abraham’s brother, came out with her water-jar upon her shoulder. She was very beautiful and unmarried. She went down to the spring, filled her jar, and came up. Then the servant ran to meet her and said, “Please let me drink a little water from your jar.” She answered, “Drink, sir,” and quickly let down her water-jar from her shoulder upon her hand and gave him a drink.

When she had finished giving him a drink she said, “I will draw water for your camels also, until they have finished drinking.” So she quickly emptied her jar into the trough and ran again to the well to draw water, and drew for all his camels. Meanwhile the man was silently gazing at her in order to find out whether Jehovah had made his journey successful or not.

As soon as the camels had finished drinking, the man took a gold ring, five ounces in weight, and put it in her nose, and put on her arms two golden bracelets weighing five ounces, and said, “Whose daughter are you? Tell me, I beg of you. Is there room in your father’s house for us to spend the night?” She answered, “I am the grand-daughter of Milcah and Nahor. We have plenty of straw and feed, and there is a place for you to spend the night.”             Then the man bowed his head and worshipped Jehovah, saying, “Blessed be Jehovah, the God of my master Abraham, who has continued to show his mercy and his faithfulness toward my master. As for me, Jehovah has led me on the way to the house of my master’s relatives.”

Then the young woman ran and told these things to her mother’s family. Now Rebekah had a brother named Laban; and Laban ran out to the man at the spring. And when he saw the bracelets on his sister’s hands and the ring, and when he heard Rebekah say, “This is what the man said to me,” he went to the man, who was still standing by the camels at the spring, and said, “Come in, you who are blessed by Jehovah! Why do you stand outside? For I have cleared the house and have room for the camels.” So he brought the man into the house and took the packs off the camels and furnished straw and feed for them, and water to wash his feet and the feet of the men who were with him.

But when food was set before him to eat, he said, “I will not eat until I have made known my errand.” They answered, “Speak.” He said, “I am Abraham’s servant; and Jehovah has blessed my master greatly, so that he has become very rich. He has given him flocks and herds, silver and gold, servants, and camels and asses. Now Sarah, my master’s wife, had a son when she was old, and my master has given him all that he has. My master also made me promise, saying, ‘Do not let my son marry one of the daughters of the Canaanites, in whose land I live, but go to my father’s home and to my relatives and there find a wife for my son.’

“When I said to my master, ‘What if the woman will not follow me?’ he said to me, ‘Jehovah, whom I love and serve, will send his angel with you and make you successful, and you will find for my son a wife from among my relatives and my father’s family. Then you shall be free from your promise to me. But if you go to my family and they do not give her to you, you shall also be free from your promise to me.’ So I came to-day to the spring and said, ‘O Jehovah, the God of my master Abraham, see, I am standing by the spring of water, if thou wilt make the errand on which I am going successful, then let the young woman who comes to draw, to whom I say, Please give me a little water from your jar to drink, and who shall say to me, Drink, and I will also draw for your camels, let that one be the woman whom Jehovah has chosen for my master’s son.’

“Even before I was through speaking, Rebekah came out with her water-jar on her shoulder and went down to the spring and drew water. And when I said to her, ‘Please let me drink,’ she quickly let down her water-jar from her shoulder and answered, ‘Drink, and I will also water your camels.’ So I drank, and she also watered the camels. Then I asked her, ‘Whose daughter are you?’ And she said, ‘The grand-daughter of Nahor and Milcah.’ So I put the ring in her nose and the bracelets on her arms. And I bowed my head and worshipped and blessed Jehovah the God of my master Abraham who had led me on the right way to find the daughter of my master’s brother for his son. Tell me whether or not you will deal kindly and truly with my master, so that I shall know what to do!”

Then Laban and his family answered, “The matter is in the hands of Jehovah. We cannot say either ‘yes’ or ‘no.’ See, Rebekah is before you; take her and go and let her be the wife of your master’s son, as Jehovah has said.”

When Abraham’s servant heard their words, he bowed to the ground before Jehovah. Then he brought out gold and silver ornaments and clothing and gave them to Rebekah. He also gave costly gifts to her brother and to her mother. And he and the men who were with him ate and drank and spent the night there.

When they rose in the morning, the servant said, “Send me away to my master.” But Rebekah’s brother and mother answered, “Let the young woman stay with us a month or at least ten days; after that she may go.” But he said to them, “Do not delay me, for Jehovah has given me success. Send me away that I may go to my master.”

Then they said, “We will call the young woman and ask her.” So they called Rebekah and said to her, “Will you go with this man?” She answered, “I will go.” So they sent away their sister Rebekah and her nurse with Abraham’s servant and his men.

They also blessed Rebekah, saying to her, “Our sister! may your children and their children become thousands and thousands!” Then Rebekah set out with her maids and, riding upon the camels, they followed the man. So the servant took Rebekah and went away.

Now Abraham had given all that he had to Isaac and had breathed his last, dying in a good old age, satisfied with living. In the evening, when Isaac had gone out in the field to meditate, he looked up and saw camels coming. Rebekah too looked up, and when she saw Isaac, she quickly alighted from the camel and said to the servant, “Who is this man walking in the field to meet us?” When the servant said, “It is my master,” she took her veil and covered her face. Then the servant told Isaac all that he had done. And Isaac brought Rebekah to the tent of Sarah his mother, and she became his wife; and he loved her.


Abraham, The Friend Of God And Man

The sons of Noah who came out of the ark were Shem, Ham and Japheth. Terah, a descendant of Shem, was the father of Abraham, Nahor and Haran; and Haran was the father of Lot.

Jehovah said to Abraham, “Go from your country, your relatives, and your father’s house to the land that I will show you. And I will make of you a great nation; and I will surely bless you and make your name famous, so that you shall be a blessing. And all the families of the earth shall ask for themselves a blessing like your own.”

So Abraham set out, as Jehovah had commanded him; and Lot went with him. Abraham was seventy-five years old when he left Haran. He took Sarah his wife and Lot his brother’s son and everything that they had, and started for the land of Canaan.

Abraham passed through the land to a place called Shechem, to the oak of Moreh. There Jehovah appeared to Abraham and said, “To your children will I give this land.” There Abraham built an altar to Jehovah who had appeared to him. From there he removed to the hill near Bethel and pitched his tent with Bethel on one side and Ai on the other, and there too he built an altar to Jehovah and prayed to him.

Now Abraham was very rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold; Lot also, who went with Abraham, had so many flocks and herds and tents that the land was not rich enough to support them both. So when there was a quarrel between Lot’s herdsmen and Abraham’s herdsmen, Abraham said to Lot, “I beg of you, let there be no quarrel between me and you, nor between my herdsmen and yours, for we are relatives. Is not the whole land before you? I beg of you, separate yourself from me. If you go to the left, then I will go to the right; or if you go to the right, then I will go to the left.”

So Lot looked about and saw that all the plain of the Jordan, as far as Zoar, was well watered everywhere, like a garden of Jehovah. So Lot chose for himself all the valley of the Jordan, and lived in the cities of the plain and moved his tent as far as Sodom. But the men of Sodom were very wicked and sinned against Jehovah.

Jehovah said to Abraham, after Lot had gone away from him, “Lift up your eyes and look from the place where you are northward, southward, eastward and westward, for all the land that you see I will give to you and to your children forever. I will make them as many as the dust of the earth, so that if a man can count the dust of the earth, then your children may also be counted. Rise, walk through the length and breadth of the land, for I will give it to you.”

Then Abraham moved his tent and lived in the oak grove of Mamre, which is in Hebron, and built there an altar to Jehovah.

Jehovah also appeared to Abraham by the oaks of Mamre, as he was sitting at the entrance of his tent in the heat of the day; and, as he looked up, three men stood there before him. As soon as he saw them, he ran from the entrance of his tent to meet them and bowed to the ground and said, “Sirs, if you are willing to do me a favor, do not, I beg of you, pass by your servant. Since you have come to your servant, let a little water be brought, that you may wash your feet, and lie down under the tree. And let me bring some food, that you may refresh yourselves; afterward you may go on your way.” They replied, “Do as you have said.”

So Abraham hastened to Sarah’s tent and said, “Make ready quickly four measures of fine meal, knead it, and make cakes.” Abraham also ran to the herd, and took a calf that was tender and good, and gave it to the servant, and he prepared it quickly. Then Abraham took curd and milk, with the calf which he had prepared, and served them; and he waited on them under the tree, while they ate.

Then they said to him, “Where is your wife?” He said, “There, within the tent.” One of them said, “I will surely return to you about nine months from now, and then, Sarah your wife shall have a son.”,-The-Friend-Of-God-And-Man.shtml