Parents fume as school scraps Christmas Nativity for play about jewellery thieves Bill and Bob

PRIMARY school parents have been left fuming after  the traditional Christmas  Nativity was ditched in favour of a ’modern version’ starring a gang of  jewellery thieves.

Outraged parents – who had expected the story of the birth of Jesus Christ – were left gobsmacked after being told their youngsters would be performing a  tale of two violent robbers called Bill and Bob.

Traditional Christmas carols have been given controversial new lyrics which  some parents believe are inappropriate for the primary school’s seven to  11-year-old intake.

To the tune of Away In A Manger, pupils will be asked to sing about Bill and  Bob, in verses like the following:


“They knocked off the jewellers,

Though it was broad daylight,

They stole loads of diamonds,

To their utter delight.”


The decision by teachers at Canvey Junior School in Essex to stage the  controversial production has riased eyebrows as the town has recently  suffered  a spate of robberies.

Canvey Island residents have been the victims of seven violent armed raids in  the past six weeks.

One parent has already removed their child from the Christmas production in  protest over its violent undertones.

Another parent, who asked not to be named, said: “I think it is a little  tasteless to stage the play with all the recent reports of armed robberies  on  the island.

“I don’t understand why the politically correct brigade has had to get rid of  the traditional story anyway?

“I can’t see that this gangster story is going to be better than something  from The Bible.

“What are they going to have our children saying? ’Sorry Mary and Joseph, but  there is no room in the cells?’”


The school nativity has been a staple in British schools for decades with  starring roles including Mary, Joseph, the three wise men, the shepherds,  the  inn keeper and the donkey.

But headteacher, Janet Vaughan, has defended the new production saying it is  merely a light-hearted twist on the traditional Christmas tale.

She said: “It is very, very funny and nothing more than a light-hearted  version of events.

“The outcome is the robbers are caught and banged to rights and the true  meaning of Christmas comes across very strongly with a nativity at the end.

“It is nice to have a fun element to any sort of Christmas production and we  always have a religious basis to it as well.

“It’s nonsense to say the words are anything other than tongue-in-cheek and  the children understand that.”

Here are the full lyrics to the school’s very ’Alternative’ Away in a Manger.  Is it just harmless fun or inappropriate? You can post your views below.

Away with the manger,

Two robbers stole it,

They were called Bob and Bill,

And they were both big twits.

The story you will now hear,

Will amaze and astound,

As you see how these two fools,

Did much clowning around.

Our brilliant story begins,

Not very long ago,

A week before Christmas,

With the streets filled with snow.

The two twits decided,

To rob a jewellery shop,

Stealing rubies and emeralds and avoiding the cops.

They knocked off the jewellers,

Though it was broad daylight,

They stole loads of diamonds,

To their utter delight.

But soon the two twits were,

In complete disarray,

As they’d given no thought to,

How they’d get away.”

Tozer Devotional-The Mary and Martha Qualities

The Mary and Martha Qualities

Another substitute for discipleship I would mention (though these do not exhaust the list) is zealous religious activity.

Working for Christ has today been accepted as the ultimate test of godliness among all but a few evangelical Christians. Christ has become a project to be promoted or a cause to be served instead of a Lord to be obeyed. Thousands of mistaken persons seek to do for Christ whatever their fancy suggests should be done, and in whatever way they think best. The what and the how of Christian service can only originate in the sovereign will of our Lord, but the busy beavers among us ignore this fact and think up their own schemes. The result is an army of men who run without being sent and speak without being commanded.

To avoid the snare of unauthorized substitution I recommend a careful and prayerful study of the Lordship of Christ and the discipleship of the believer.